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  • Synopsis

    The Story Behind

    What about utopia? How naive is it to follow utopic thoughts? Inspired by "The palace of projects" by Emilia Ilya & Kabakov, two characters clash with their very different personalities and views about the idea of reaching an utopic state in future times. One, insistantly on the search but aware that there is no arriving, the other one, absently naive, not trying to reach something at all. Never the less the two characters develop throughout the piece a strong urge to find a common place.

  • Facts

    At One Glance

    Choreographie: Choreographic Collaboration Bruno Caverna, Rita & Damian
    Dancers: Rita Aozane Bilibio & Damian Gmuer
    Performance: 30. Minute
    Staff: 2 Dancers
    Venues: at tanzhaus nrw
    Year: 2008


Fotos: ©Oliver Look

Other Projetcs

Impressum / Impressum / © Damian Gmür / Rita Aozane Bilibio / Site by Niels Drobek